Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
The Academy is the newest Member of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities (“Academies Union”), which unites eight Academies of Sciences in Germany, which collaborate at different levels. In all there are more than 2000 scholars and scientists from different fields working in the Member Academies. The Academies Union coordinates the Academies' Programme – currently Germany’s largest research programme in the humanities. Further, it promotes communication between the Academies and organises events on current themes in scholarship, as well as an annual joint day of scholarship, the Academies’ Day (Akademientag).
German Research Foundation (DFG)
The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg has been a member of the German Research Foundation (DFG) since June 2023. At the DFG Annual Meeting in Saarbrücken on 28 June 2023, the General Assembly accepted the Academy's application for membership by a large majority. The DFG is the largest research funding organisation and central self-governing institution of science in Germany.
National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)
Since 2020, the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg has been actively involved in the Text+ consortium as part of the nationwide initiative to establish a National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).
The aim of the consortium is to preserve text and language-based research data in the long term and thus to ensure their broad use in science in the long term. Participation in Text+ not only guarantees the Academy broader accessibility and visibility of its research data and results in the long term, but also allows it to incorporate the subject-specific needs of researchers into the infrastructure development.
Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study e. V. (HIAS)
The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg is one of eight founding members of the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study e. V. (HIAS). It was founded in late September 2019 as an association with its seat in Hamburg and pursues, above all, the goal of inviting visiting scholars (Fellows) from Germany and abroad to carry out research projects of their own choice in Hamburg and so to create an open meeting-place together with the Hamburg scholarly and scientific community.
Dr. Elke Senne
Research Administrator
Tel.: +49 40 42948669-20
Email: elke.senne(at)awhamburg.de