A Northern German forum for researching peace and conflict
Nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction and new threats – the problems of arms control, dearmament and security policy are as relevant as ever. The Working Group “Peace and Conflict Research Forum” takes an interdisciplinary approach to the possibilities for shaping global security policy. It promotes debates and shares information on the theme of security policy – via workshops, conferences and school labs. In addition, the Working Group develops policy recommendations with the aid of prognoses, trends and scenarios in the sphere of security policy for the next 20 years.
Goals of the Peace and Conflict Research Forum
- Engaging with basic issues and current problems of nuclear arms control and dearmament and of security polic
Project Description
- The Forum is a platform for various institutions in Hamburg and the region that address peace and conflict research
Review and Perspectives
- 2021: Final report of the study “Security and Insecurity”
- Working Group (2015 to 2018) funded by the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina “Security and insecurity. Global security policy perspectives for 2035” Topic: Prognoses, Trends and Scenarios in the area of security policy in the next 20 years. Goal: To consider policy recommendations, long-term challenges in shaping foreign and security policy
- Continuation of the school laboratory
- Further development of the informational bases for disarmament and non-proliferation treaties for weapons of mass destruction
- 12 to 13 December 2013: Workshop "Eine Welt ohne Nuklearwaffen? Aufgaben der Wissenschaft" (“A World Without Nuclear Weapons? Tasks for Science”) as a meeting of the German Amaldi Group
- Study on questions of missile defence in Europe (2015)
- Since 2010 an interdisciplinary School Lab “Peace and Conflict Research” for profile courses of the senior school years. Goal: Familiarising students with scientific methods in peace and conflict research by active experience
- 17 March 2008: Conference “‘’Kampf dem Atomtod’ – Die Hamburger Protestbewegung vom Frühjahr 1958 in zeithistorischer und gegenwärtiger Perspektive” (“’Down with Nuclear Death’ – the 1958 Hamburg protest movement in contemporary and present-day perspective”), in cooperation with the FZH, IFSH and ZNF
- 14 to 16 March 2008: Event of the 17th International Amaldi-Conference on scientific issues in global security in Hamburg (together with DESY, IFSH and ZNF)
Members of the Working Group
Position | Name | Discipline |
Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska | Peace Research and Security Policy | |
Spokesperson | Prof. Dr. Cord Jakobeit | Political Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Martin Kalinowski | Physics | |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Oeter | Deutsches und ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht | |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Oßenbrügge | Human Geography and Urban Studies | |
Prof. Dr. Kerstin von der Decken | Public Law, International and European Law |