In dialogue on questions of climate change and environmental research
Society faces environmental problems – but how? How has it been done in the past? And how today? How well? How in the future? The Working Group Global Environmental Changes and Climate Change is promoting interdisciplinary dialogue between leading research institutions in North Germany on questions of climate change and environmental research. With podium discussions on the topic of environment and climate, it supports the debate in society about the Earth as a project for the future. The Working Group addresses in-depth issues of international climate policy and also the conflicts that arise in the context of climate change.
Goals of the Working Group Global Environmental Changes and Climate Change
- Analysis and positive influence on society’s engagement with environmental problems – in the past and today
Project Description
- The Working Group is a forum for the targeted fostering of interdisciplinary dialogue between a number of leading research institutions in Northern Germany and their representatives on questions of climate change and environmental research.
Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif
Climate change is in that sense not purely a problem of natural science. One can understand through natural science how it has happened. But when it comes to steps to solve it, when we are concerned with halting climate change, then we also need other disciplines. Because it is also a psychological problem, and an ethical one, in which, for example, Religious Studies are also in play. And in addition it is a medical problem. For example, we are experiencing in heat waves how the human body suffers above 30°. In Germany we have in places already had temperatures over 40° – so we know how that feels. In short: We need an interdisciplinary approach to problems.
Review and Perspectives
2021: Collaboration in the final report and recommendations of the Working Group Peace Research on the trends “Climate and Resources” within the study “Security and Insecurity”
Deeper research into two special areas:
- climate politics of the two main emitters China and the USA
- the interrelation between increased climate change and issues of forced migration and possible conflict escalation -
3 December 2015: Podium discussion "Letzte Ausfahrt Paris - Herausforderung Klimawandel" (“Last Exit Paris – the Challenge of Climate Change”, in German) in Kiel on the occasion of the 21st Conference of the Signatory States of the Climate Framework Convention (30.11.-11.12.2015 in Paris)
18 December 2012: Podium discussion "Wie weiter mit der internationalen Klimapolitik?" (“What next for international climate politics?”, in German) in Hamburg– Part of Science Year 2012 “Zukunftsprojekt Erde” (“Earth: A Project for the Future”)
– Topic: results of the 18th Conference of the Signatory States of the Climate Framework Convention (26.11.2012–07.12.2012 in Qatar) -
20 May 2011: Workshop “Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Sozial- und geisteswissenschaftliche Perspektiven” (“Social engagement with climate change: Social science and humanities perspectives”, in German) in Hamburg
- Specialist meeting
- Conference volume on the workshop in preparation -
19 May 2011: Podium discussion "Warum tut keiner was gegen den Klimawandel?" (“Why is no one doing anything against climate change?”, in German) natural science, social science and humanities in conflict in Hamburg
Members of the Working Group
Position | Name | Discipline |
Prof. Dr. Martin Claußen | Meteorology | |
Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer | Climate Research | |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Fraedrich | Meteorology | |
Spokesperson | Prof. Dr. Cord Jakobeit | Politikwissenschaften |
Prof. Dr. Norbert Jürgens | Plant Evolution | |
Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif | Climate Physics | |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Karin Lochte | Polar and Marine Research | |
Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer | General Soil Science | |
Prof. Dr. Anja Pistor-Hatam | Islamwissenschaft |
Essay by Mojib Latif
"Öko-Gerechtigkeit, Öko-Rassismus und epistemische Ungerechtigkeit"
Essay by Anna M. Horatschek