The Academy was founded in December 2004 by the Parliament of Hamburg as a statutory corporation (Academy Statute, regulated via the By-laws).
In the Academy there are up to 80 Regular Members as well as Emeritus Regular Members, Corresponding Members and Honorary Members. The General Assembly of Regular Members elects the President and the Executive Board and decides on all fundamental concerns of the Academy. The General Assembly of Members meets once a month during the academic semester. The President directs the Academy and represents it both internally and externally. The Executive Board includes the President, the VicePresident and two Regular Members elected by the General Assembly.
The Managing Director is responsible for the day-to-day business of the Academy. The work of the Academy is supported by an Administrative Office.
The Board of Trustees advises the Executive Board in carrying out its duties and monitors the management of the Academy.
The organisation of the Academy is determined by its Regulations.