Up-to-the-minute news from the Academy
The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg is an important platform for interdisciplinary exchange between outstanding scientists and scholars in NorthernGermany. There is much to report, especially on our cross-disciplinary Working Groups and our Long-term Projects, our events, prizes and publications. We will inform you about this in social media. And also about the activities of our Members and our Young Academy Fellows.
X and LinkedIn invite interaction: We look forward to your questions and comments!
You can also find us on YouTube.
Also, you can subscribe to our Newsletter, in which we can keep you regularly informed about the most important developments at the Academy.
Netiquette We look forward to engaging with you. Respectful engagement is the foundation of a constructive dialogue. For that reason, we ask you to observe the following rules:
- Please debate in a fair, factual and friendly way. Our editorial team reservethe right to delete comments with content that is offensive, discriminatory, racist, sexist, pornographic, politically or religiously extreme, a danger to youth or otherwise unacceptable and contrary to law.
- Please respect the rights of others (personal rights, copyright, privacy and data protection, etc). Spam, advertising and commercial content have no place on our profiles.
- In order to make possible a meaningful dialogue, your comments should have a relation to our topics. Please also refrain from repeated posting of the same comment below different contributions.
- Infringements of the rules and general Terms and Conditions of Twitter and YouTube will be reported to the platforms and may be reported to the police. We thank you for your understanding!
Dagmar Penzlin
Digital Communication Officer
Tel.: +49 40 42948669-24