Science Comics
For some years now, the communication of scientific methods and findings to a broader public has also been taking new paths. This now includes media formats that had rarely dealt with scientific disciplines before. So-called science comics initially conveyed academic knowledge only to children and young people. Today, however, they are also established for an adult audience - not least due to sophisticated research and design of the picture-text narratives.
A science communication initiative of the Young Academy Fellows
The Young Academy Fellows of the 2020 cohort see the science comic format as an excellent opportunity to present themselves and their research topics to the public. In the course of the project, they reflect on the role of sequential art in representing, condensing and evaluating bodies of knowledge.
Caregivers on fire
Dr. Larissa Zwar (Psychologie, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf)
Marlin Beringer ( 05.09.2023
The Game of Life
Dr. Colin von Negenborn (Philosophie und Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Hamburg)
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Melanie Gandyra ( 07.09.2023
Automated reasoning
Prof. Dr. Alexander Steen (Künstliche Intelligenz und Logik, Universität Greifswald)
Matteo Farinella ( 05.09.2023
Europe's "man on the moon"-moment
Dr. Vincent Gengnagel (Soziologie, Europa-Universität Flensburg)
Moritz Stetter ( 11.09.2023
The little bread thief on trial
Dr. Katharina Isabel Schmidt (Rechtswissenschaftsgeschichte, MPI für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht)
Hannah Brinkmann ( 11.09.2023
Feminist Principles of the Internet
Dr. Dennis Redeker (Politikwissenschaft, Universität Bremen)
Hannah Brinkmann ( 11.09.2023
Demographics change Economic geography
Paula Prenzel (Wirtschaftsgeographie, Universität Greifswald)
Moritz Stetter ( Datum: 23.01.2023
What do our foods have in common with ancient manuscripts?
Marina Creydt (Lebensmittelchemie, Universität Hamburg)
Equality through quotas?
Dana-Sophia Valentiner (Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Rostock )
Zora Rux ( 15.12.2022
The ecology of climate change
Peter Müller (Ökosystemforscher am Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Hamburg)
Moritz Stetter ( 15.09.2022
The long part-method-whole-system road to individualised medicine
Johannes Hertel (Systembiologie, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald)
Marlin Beringer ( 16.09.2022
Polarization through social media in democracies?
Stefan Wallaschek (Politikwissenschaft, Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES), Europa-Universität Flensburg)
Hannah Brinkmann ( 16.09.2022
Charlotte Schubert (Ärztin und neurowissenschaftliche Postdoc, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf)
Matteo Farinella ( 15.09.2022
Colonial Man-Eaters
Stephanie Zehnle (Historical Studies)
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Associated publications:
Stephanie Zehnle 2021: Colonial Man-Eaters. Secret Societies and Murder Trials in British Sierra Leone, Habilitationsschrift, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Stephanie Zehnle 2018: The Liminal Youth between Town and Bush. Humans, Leopards and Initiation in Colonial West Africa. In: Clemens Wischermann / Aline Steinbrecher / Philip Howell (Hg.), Animal History in the Modern City. Exploring Liminality, London: Bloomsbury, S. 161–180. 10.5040/9781350054066.0015
Stephanie Zehnle 2015: Der kolonialistische Comic. Die Genese des „Leopardenmannes“ und die Verbildlichung kolonialer Ängste. In: Closure 2 (Journal für Comicforschung),
Artist: Birgit Weyhe (
Date: 18.06.2021
Philosophy of Quantum Gravity
Niels Linnemann (Philosophy of Physics and Philosophy of Science)
➟ download "Philosophy of Quantum Gravity"
Associated publications:
Linnemann, Niels: Non-empirical robustness arguments in quantum gravity. Studies of History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (2020). doi: 10.1016/j.shpsb.2020.06.001
Linnemann, Niels: On the empirical coherence and the spatiotemporal gap problem in quantum gravity — and why
functionalism does not (have to) help. Synthese: SI Spacetime Functionalism (2020). doi: 10.1007/s11229-020-02659-3 -
Linnemann, Niels & Visser, Manus: Hints toward the emergent nature of gravity. Studies of History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (2018). Doi: 10.1016/j.shpsb.2018.04.001
Crowther, Karen & Linnemann, Niels: Renormalizability, fundamentality, and a final theory: The role of UV-completion in the search for quantum gravity. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2017). Doi: 10.1093/bjps/axx052
Artist: Moritz Stetter (
Date: 31.05.2021
Bettina Schwab (Neuroscience)
Associated publication:
Bettina C. Schwab, Jonas Misselhorn, Andreas K. Engel, Modulation of large-scale cortical coupling by transcranial alternating current stimulation, Brain Stimulation, Volume 12, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 1187-1196,
Artists: Veronika Mischitz (concept & story), Anna Fuchs (realisation)
Date: 30.06.2021
Environmental protection in war
Anne Dienelt (Law)
➟ download "Environmental protection in war"
Associated publications:
- Dienelt, Armed Conflicts and the Environment: Complementing the Laws of Armed Conflict with International Environmental Law and Human Rights Law, Dissertation, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, 2019
- Dienelt/Oeter, Die Prinzipien der UN Völkerrechtskommission zu „Schutz der Umwelt in Bezug auf bewaffnete Konflikte“ – Eine Erweiterung des Schutzes der Umwelt ohne Änderung des humanitären Völkerrechts?, 143-162, in: Hofmann/Malkmus (Hrsg.), 70 Jahre Genfer Konventionen - Stand und Perspektiven des humanitären Völkerrechts, 2021
Artist: Marlin Beringer (
Date: 31.05.2021
Ethical innovation in AI
Christian Herzog (Ethics of Technology)
➟ download "Ethical innovation in AI"
Associated publications:
Herzog, Christian. 2021. “On Formal Ethics versus Inclusive Moral Deliberation.” AI and Ethics, March.
Artist: Hamed Eshrat (
Date: 17.06.2021
Household waste
Franziska Neumann (Historical Studies)
Associated publications:
The Realm of Cloacina? Excrement in London’s Eighteenth-Century Waste Regime, in: German Historical Institute London Bulletin [im Erscheinen];
E is for Excrement, in: Wastiary. Think Pieces. Institute for Advanced Studies, UCL London [im Erscheinen];
Entscheidend ist, was hinten raus kommt – Die Sitzung auf dem stillen Örtchen, in: Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte [im Erscheinen]
Artist: Simon Schwartz (
Date: 19.05.2021
What does ethics contribute to the management of social conflicts?
Hermann Diebel-Fischer (Ethics)
➟ download "What does ethics contribute to the management of social conflicts?"
Artist: Simon Schwartz (
Date: 18.06.2021