PREGOV (PREdictive GOVernance) - Towards Transdisciplinary Perspectives
With the increasing digitalization of public governance, this conference seeks to better understand how new forms of datafication, quantification, and automation enable governments and other powerful stakeholders to construct an image of the future for purposes of steering in the present. Predictive control technologies such as algorithms, tracking sensors, and big data infrastructures – and the extensive quantification of the public sector association with them – have serious consequences for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole (Miller & Power, 2013; Pollock & D’Adderio, 2012; Power, 2007). Yet, the current landscape of social science research in this field still lacks cross-disciplinary empirical and theoretical work. In order to spark a dialogue among those who have studied predictive governance and digitalization across different empirical settings, this collaborative conference brings together both established and young inter-national researchers from across multiple disciplines (e.g. education, accounting, management, sociology, data science) who work in multiple domains (education, healthcare, city management). The aim is to create a discussion about common themes or variations of predictive governance across these different settings, generating opportunities for collaboration and potential future research programs.
Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg
Aula-Gebäude, Raum 2
Freitag, 07.02.2020, 12:45 Uhr bis
Samstag, 08.02.2020, 13:00 Uhr